
The past week I’ve been doing a lot of research on the differences between the most popular social media networks available. I will openly admit I’m a facebook junkie…I’m so bad that I read my newsfeed every morning before I even get out of bed and I created an account for my mother so we could play Scrabble together.  But yesterday I took a big new step in the social media world….I joined Twitter! My good friend has been telling me for months I need to jump on the Twitter bandwagon and after several days of instructions via text, I signed up. I’m still figuring out hashtags and @ symbols, but if you’re on Twitter, stop on by and say hello @KlingsandThings.

It’s a big world out there. You can find me at:

Twitter: @KlingsandThings

Facebook: KlingsandThingsPhotography

Flickr: klingsandthingsphotography

Pinterest: klingsandthings

Instagram: klingsandthings
