Happy Anniversary Klings & Things!
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
I’d toyed with the idea for months. I told myself that I had to see if people bought anything, how the Christmas season went, that I needed to save some money, that I needed more time, and the scariest one….I had to see if people liked my work.
But then in January 2012, I decided that I was going to set up an LLC (and by *I decided* I mean I was drug to my computer by my husband and forced to sit there for an hour while he did the paperwork and I mumbled “really? I’m really going to do this??….”) and suddenly Klings & Things was an official photography company.
My parents started Klings & Things when I was a baby. It has been a wide array of store fronts – an import store, an electrical company, a restaurant, a consignment/antique store, and one could argue, a newspaper and venue for my mom’s writing. My parents were adventurers with many dreams and loves, so this photography iteration wasn’t a big leap in what K&T can be.
The final LLC paperwork came back to me on February 8, 2012, and in typical Christina fashion, I looked at it, closed my eyes and took a deep breath, signed my name, and then opened a bottle of champagne.
This last year has been so amazing for me. I’ve achieved so many goals that I never dreamed possible – I have a beautiful web site, a loyal fan base on social media, I’ve been on the radio, and on TV, I’ve been mentioned in the Huffington Post, the Sacramento Bee, the St Louis Post Dispatch, and tons of other national papers, I’ve been accepted into an amazing artisan group where I’ve been given the opportunity to participate in events such as the Golden Globes, and I have created my own contest, The Lyric Project.
There are so many people I need to thank for making this year happen – Andrea for believing in me and always making me sound cool, Maureen and Jeff for making my site beautiful, Valerie and the entire TAG family for the opportunity and business advice, my mom, my family, and all my friends.
And thank you to everyone who reads theses entries, who looks at one of my pictures and smiles, who listens to me, and inspires me. I’m looking forwards to many more amazing things in 2013. And to kick it off right, I’m having a 20% off sale in my Etsy store or if you order directly from me. Coupon code CHEERS