women in business

Graffiti Wall

Graffiti Wall One day when I was 16 or 17, I came home from a bad day at school. I don’t remember if I had a fight with one of my friends or my boyfriend, a bad practice, or was just frustrated in general, but after I parked my car in the garage I grabbed [...]

By | June 20th, 2014|Klings & Things Blog|0 Comments


Shattered Writing is hard for me; which I find amusing because I went to the University of Iowa to be a writer. Very quickly into my collegiate career, I learned that writing assumes a level of confidence with putting yourself out there for people to see (ie. judge) that I was never comfortable with. What [...]

By | June 10th, 2014|Klings & Things Blog|0 Comments

Growing Awareness: Press Release for Earth Day 2014

Growing Awareness: St. Louis-based Klings & Things Photography Selected to Gift High-Profile Celebrities for Earth Day Eco-friendly photo cards celebrate broad spectrum of growth St. Louis, MO — Klings & Things Photography, a St. Louis-based fine art photography store, in association with The Artisan Group, has been selected to gift 25 high-profile celebrities with a thematically-appropriate [...]

By | April 18th, 2014|News|0 Comments