Missouri Military Monument Foundation

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty Have you ever had one of those projects that, for lack of better phraseology, just gives you fits? I’ve been struggling for a few weeks with mine – I didn’t like the original picture, I didn’t have a frame, the print arrived late, my tape gun broke…you get the idea. Then early this morning I [...]

By | June 27th, 2012|Klings & Things Blog, News|0 Comments

Allman in the Morning

Allman in the Morning On Friday, June 15, Jamie Allman had me on his morning show Allman in the Morning (97.1 FM News Talk)  to talk about my photography and the Missouri Military Monument Foundation's 2nd Golfing for Heroes outing that I will be donating a piece to on June 29. Jamie is such a great friend [...]

By | June 16th, 2012|News|0 Comments