Kling & Things

I am RAW.

Hi, I'm Christina; and, I'm a RAW artist. On February 27th, I was invited to be part of the RAW: Natural Born Artists showcase "Awakening" at the Coliseum in downtown St. Louis. RAW is a wonderful organization helping local artist to promote their work (whether it be photography, art, drama, music, jewelry, hair & make [...]

By | April 15th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Project Me

Project Me This photo shoot happened a few months ago. I had the best intentions of writing this immediately, but I put it off. Then I got really sidetracked. And then, well, then I procrastinated some more. And now I‘ve decided to split it up into parts. So work with me…pretend its early March. Ready, [...]

By | May 30th, 2013|Klings & Things Blog, Uncategorized|0 Comments